Monday, January 28, 2019

Monday, January 28th

MAG: After Homework review:
QUiz: Free-Fall
Activity: How fast can you throw up a tennis ball? Which we tried outside and then brought data back in to calculate.
HW: Worksheet: "Supplementary Motion Problems" - Due the next time I see you

SNOW DAY TOMORROWImage result for snow

IB 11: Review of Phase change graph, Latent heat. Sample Problems
Take- Home Quiz: AP MC Qs - Due the time after the next time I see you.
Next time I see you - Calorimetry Lab

Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday, January 25th

MAG Physics: Quiz: Motion Equations

HW: Last Year's Text (Magnet Physics Textbook link on the right)
pg 82:  #97 - 102, 115 (on the next page)

Activity: Measuring Reaction Time

IB Physics 12: Brief discussion on conservation laws and quantum reactions

Video: Quantum Leap

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Thursday, January 24th

MAG Physics:
Free-Fall - Read something about this topic; your book, last year's book,, youtube videos - find something!

HW: pg 63: #1-4
         pg 75-76: # 30, 39, 40

IB Physics 11:
(During Connections)- Cafe au Lait Lab (DUE MONDAY!!!!)

Then Thermal Notes and Review

Check out Kognity Sections 3.10, 3.1.1, 3.1.2  and work the section questions.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday, January 23rd.

MAG Physics: We went over the homework assignment and put some of them on the board. Question #22 on page 75, led us into our lesson for the day. We took that question and graphed a d vs t,
v vs t and a vs t graph for the situation. Then we did that for two more problems on a handout.

Homework: v vs t graph - analyze and write out what's happening

IB 12: Due: AP Set #8 and e/m ration lab

Continued on our discussion of subatomic physics - use of Kognity here is STRONGLY encouraged.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Tuesday, January 22

MAG Physics: Derived the 4 equations of constant acceleration. These can also be found in the blue boxes on pages 50-54. In fact, reading the section on Acceleration in the book from pages 46 - 56 is a great idea!!

pg 51: #1-4
pg 53: #1-4
pg 74: #20-22

IB Physics 11: Unit test on Circular Motion/Gravitation

IB Physics 12: Due tomorrow: AP Set #8 AND e/m ratio on-line lab.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday, January 16th

MAG Physics: Cntinued learning about displacement vs. time graphs

Drew tangents to find instantaneous velocity

Worksheet: Displacement vs time graph, finish side one for homework

Link to textbook and resourses:

IB 12: Q&A on homework/practice problems.

Discussed Kognity as a resource

Monday, January 14, 2019

Monday, January 14

MAG Physics:
Quiz: Dimensional Analysis
Review: Went over review packet assigned last Thursday
Test: IS tomorrow

In last 30 minutes: Began next unit: Motion in 1-Dimension

IB 12 Physics:Nuclear Unit- continued
AP Set# 8 handed out
IN class - worked on two AP energy level diagram problems.
Passes out Surfer book problems for review (optional)

Friday, January 11, 2019

Welcome Back!!!

January 11, 2019

MAG Physics:

This week has been a math refresher and skill builder for things we will be using this year in MAG physics.  Today: Circle Measurement Lab  Lab is due on Monday, as is the review worksheet assigned yesterday.

IB Physics 11: Lab: Twirling Things Overhead (Centripetal Motion): Due next Thursday
Do not forget homework problems assigned Wednesday are due Tuesday
(pg 156: # 4,5,12,13,17,18,22,37,53,54)

March 12, 2020 Please make sure you are able to access this website in case we are not in school. I will communicate using this website as ...