Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday, September 18th

MAG: Lab: Acceleration on a Ramp  (Due on Thursday)
Quiz: Weight on a slope

IB 12:  Work Session - Kinematics Unit 2
HW: First set of AP FR Qs out

AP 1: Test: Motion in 2-D
(Remember there are 6 problems due tomorrow from yesterday's handouts)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday, September 12

MAG: Newton's Three Laws
Review of Homework problems from "Force Situation" Worksheet

IB 12: Kinematics Part 2 Review (sections 2.3, 2.4, 6.1, 6.2)

Problems: 2.3: 55-71
                  2.4: 72-78, 81, 82
                  6.1: 2-8 even, 13, 14
                  6.2: 16-22

DO Problems as Needed - but do do lots!

AP Physics 1: Quiz: Horizontal Projectiles
 Notes and examples: Projectiles with launch angles
 Demo: Launch angles and Range

HW: #1-7 WS: Motion in 2-D

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thursday, September 6th

MAG: (Connections included) : Quiz: Adding Vectors Graphically
Notes; Projectiles with Launch ANgles
Lab Activity: Horizontal Projectiles and Pringles Cans
HW: pg 165: #53, 55,59   pg 152: #4

Final review for test on sections 2.1 and 2.2

AP Physics 1: Final Review for Test tomorrow on Motion in 1D

Wednesday, Sept 5th:

MAG physics: Horizontal Projectile Motion notes/sample problem
HW: pg 150 #1,2
         pg 168  # 51,52, 58

IB 11: Quiz
AP MC Qs, Test I handed out - due next Monday
 Sample problem_ ALL three graphs -AGAIN!

AP Physics 1: HW Review  ( #88-93, 9-11, 115 on worksheet given out on Monday)
                        Optional Worksheet handed out (More Review of 1-D motion)

NOTES: Begin Projectile Motion
EXTRA TIME _ time to ask questions, work independently, read

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

September 4th

MAG: Vector Components/Addition of Vectors Mathematically
HW: pg 121:  #1, 3
         pg 125: # 5,7
         Add the following vectors mathematically:  7 m at 20 degrees, 8 m at 40 degrees,
                                                                                5 m at 45 degrees S of E

IB 12:  IA information:

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO:  https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/server2/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_physi_gui_1402_1_e&part=9&chapter=5



Else today was spent working on Section 2.1 and 2.2 in Text as well as Surfer Book Problems

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