Thursday, March 12, 2020

March 12, 2020
Please make sure you are able to access this website in case we are not in school. I will communicate using this website as well as REMIND.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12th

MAG: Quiz: Calorimetry
HW: Worksheet of Heat Problems

Notes: 3 methods of heat transfer, pressure

IB 11: Test: Circuits

Thursday, April 11th
MAG Physics: Phase Change Diagrams and Problems
(Lots of NOTES!)

IB 12: Review - some more - for the Option Test

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tuesday, April 9th

MAG Physics:
We worked two calorimetry problems on the board today. This information can be found in Chapter 9. There is a lab tomorrow.

HW: pg 305: 1,2
Pg. 318: 1-4
Red Book: pg 337: #58,65,69

IB 12: AP Multiple Choice Questions are due

Thursday, March 28, 2019

March 28th

MAG Physics: Test: Work/Energy/Momentum

IB Physics 11: Continued Review of Circuits

Kirchoff's Rules Notes (See Kognity if not in class)

Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday, March 11th

MAG Physics: More on Centripetal Motion - Cars on banked curves and roller coasters.

HW: pg 234: #1,3c      pg. 250: #1,3     pg  264: #8-10

Remember, as posted last week, the reading material in the purple book for this unit is:
Torque: pp. 247-249
Gravitation: pp. 232-233
Circular Motion: pp. 226-231

IB Physics 12: Solving torque problems (beams and such)
Introduction to Moment of Inertia and how to calculate them

HW: (From Surfer Book problems handout:
Chapter 7: 3, 10-14, 16
Chapter 8: 11,12,14

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

MAG Physics:
Quiz: Vector Components
Lab Activity: Horizontal Projectiles from Ramps
HW: pg 101: Formative Assessment #3
         pg 112: 26, 31-33

IB 12: Test: Quantum/Nuclear
AP Set #10 Due

Unit 8: Energy Production and Climate Change
In textbook:  8.1: #4-6, 8-10, 1, 15, 20-22
                      8.2: # 28-31, 36, 37
Check out Kognity as well (I have not as of this writing, but I plan to very soon - maybe after grading the tests).

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday, February 5th

MAG Physics: Began Projectile Motion for horizontal projectiles
Check out Projectile Motion either in your text, or some other useful website.
HW: pg 99: 1-3
Quiz: Adding Vectors Graphically

IB 11: Work Session on problems in Tennis Ball Book:
pg 390-391: # 39, 40, 42, 51, 53, 57, 58
pg 437: # 9, 11, 13, 15
Quiz: Phase Change Diagram Problem

Monday 2/4

MAG: HW: pg 98: #1,2    pg 92:  #1,4    pg 94:  #1,3
How to find component vectors

March 12, 2020 Please make sure you are able to access this website in case we are not in school. I will communicate using this website as ...